Academic Profile

Shirzad Mohammed Mahdi Sourchi

شيرزاد محمد مهدى

Assistant professor
Erbil Technical Management College
Department of International Marketing & Languages
[email protected]
General Specialization
Business Administration
Specific Specialization
Business Management
Erbil Administration Technical College Department of International Marketing and Languages Iraq-Erbil


Research Title Degree Files
Analyzing the implementation of pension and Social Security funds mechanisms to foster regulatory environment in private sector engagement, Erbil - Kurdistan Doctor of Philosophy
Ethical implications of HR technology, balancing employee, perception, and attitudes in decision making process Doctor of Philosophy
The Role of modeator Strategy Management on the Marketing Management and Implementation Success in Firms Bachelor of Arts
The Negative Impact of Management on work overload English Language, PBL Project-Based Learning as related to Student Learning Outcomes Master of Science
The dark side of Non-Academic graduates and Assignments workload of Academic English Language as related to innovation management: a case study at Erbil Public High Schools Master of Science
Factors influencing the implementation of Management practices on English language activities as related to High professional performance: A case study at English Language Centers Master of Science
The Role of Human Resource Management of Implementing Work-breakdown structure & Engineering project Work to be accomplished on Engineering project Management Master of Science