Academic Profile

Najat Jabbar Ahmed Berwary

نەجات جەبار ئەحمەد بەرواری

Assistant professor
Erbil Technical Health and Medical College
Department of Medical Laboratory
[email protected]
General Specialization
Medical Laboratory Technology
Specific Specialization
Medical immunology
Erbil Health and Medical Technology College Erbil Polytechnic University - Iraq.

Evalutation Committees

Department Degree Docs
Microbiology/ Hawler Medical University HMU Master of Science
Microbiology Master of Science
Biology, Koya University Master of Science
MLT department, Technical Health College, Ebil Polytechnic University Master of Science
Biology Master of Science
Microbiology Master of Science
Pharmacy Master of Science
Medical Microbiology Doctor of Philosophy
Biology Master of Science
Medical Laboratory Technology/ College of Health and Medical Techniq / Erbil Polytechnic Universityues Master of Science
Medical Laboratory Technology/ College of Health and Medical Techniq / Erbil Polytechnic Universityues Master of Science