Academic Profile

Khaleel Hasan Younis

خليل حسن يونس

Assistant professor
Erbil Technology College
Department of Road Construction
[email protected]
General Specialization
Civil Engineering
Specific Specialization
Structural Materials
Erbil- Kurdistan region/Iraq Kirkuk Road


Committee Name Level Date Docs
Committee of research folloow -up University 2023-11-13
Sceintifc title awarding at TISHK University 2024-06-10
Scientic committee of department College/Institute 2024-06-10
Scintific title seminar College/Institute 2023-11-21
Evaluation of final projects College/Institute 2024-06-10
Scientific title promotion University 2024-06-09
Dealing with disabled participants in Pedagogy training course Ministry 2023-12-14
Re-arrangemnt of the policy of the polytechnic journal University 2024-04-22
Scientific title award University 2023-11-07
Assessment and monitoring of Kurdistan universties journals Ministry 2024-06-04
Assessment of module final exam College/Institute 2023-06-20
Technical Program committee of IEC 9 conference University 2023-06-20
Committee of assessment of graduation project College/Institute 2023-06-19
Scientific title promotion University 2023-06-14
Scientific Committee / 9th International Engineering Conference (IEC-2023) University 2023-06-14
Scientific committee of department 2022-2023 College/Institute 2023-06-14
Department committee 2022-2023 College/Institute 2023-06-14
Assessment of Postgraduate admission College/Institute 2023-06-06
Journal publishing review committee Ministry 2023-06-04