Academic Profile

Rawand Dlshad Abdulla

Koya Technical Institute
Department of Petroleum (Control and Operation)
[email protected]
General Specialization
Development and operation of oil and gas fields
Specific Specialization
Development and operation of oil and gas fields
Koya - Erbil- Kurdistan Region- Iraq


Research Title Degree Files
Experimental Design and Performance Evaluation of a Laboratory-Scale Drilling Rig for Practical Learning in Petroleum Engineering Diploma
Characterization and Comparison of Physical Properties in Crude Oils from Iraq-Kurdistan Oilfields Diploma
Method for reducing water-cut- in production wells of the taq-taq oil field Diploma
Estimation of original oil in place for taq-taq oil field by using reservoir simulation method Diploma
Method design of distillation tower using Aspen Hysys Diploma
Determination of the production method and selection of equipment for the operation of an oil well Diploma