Academic Profile

Shahlaa Shafiq Rozoqi

شهلاء شفيق رزوقي

Erbil Technical Health and Medical College
Department of Medical Laboratory
[email protected]
General Specialization
Specific Specialization
Erbil Kurdistan reigon Iraq


Shahlaa Shafik Rozoqi was born in Baghdad , Iraq, in 1977. she received the B.Sc degree in chemistry from college of science/ Baghdad university in 1999 with rank 8 out of 114 students and M.Sc degree in biochemistry from the same college in 2004, She joined in department of embryology/ infertility institute/ Al-Nahrin university as an assistant lecturer in 2005, in 2010 she joined to Erbil polytechnic university till now. She has more than nineteen years teaching experience in higher education and more than five years in Medical laboratory . Her interesting fields are proteins and enzymes which consider as antioxidants in cancer disease. currently she has published  seven researches related in infertile male, cancer and antioxidant.

She was a coordinator of Quality Assurance unit of Erbil Technical Health and medical College until 2022. 

 Now she is Ph.D student in Al Mosul University