Academic Profile

Dr. Sardar Qader Othman

د. سردار قادر عثمان

Erbil Technical Health and Medical College
Department of Physiotherapy
[email protected]
General Specialization
Specific Specialization
Medical Physics
Erbil Technical Health and Medical College, Physiotherapy Department


I am Sardar Qader Othman Qader, lecturer of medical physics at Erbil Polytechnic University, Erbil Technical Health and Medical College.

 I am graduated from the College of Science, University of Salahaddin in 2010-2011, then after I awarded an MSC. Degree in Biophysics from the Physics Department College of Science, University of Salahaddin since  2015- 2017 and then pointed as an assistant lecturer at Erbil Polytechnic University.

I was awarded a PhD from Salahaddin University – Iraq in "2020-2023" for work in  Physics, Medical Physics  "Health Effects and Radiological Risk Assessment of Radon Inhalation on Workers of Building Material Factories in Erbil City Using Radon Lung Dosimetry Models ".

During my academic life, I have taught, the following subjects for undergraduate students: Nuclear Lab in the fourth stage at the Physics department, and physical therapy intervention, in the second stage at the Physiotherapy department.

I have participated in many international and local conferences and I published many scientific articles. My current research interests include Nuclear radiation, medical physics, radiation physics, and Radiological protection.  

I was a member of:

1)    Kurdistan Teachers Union since 2011.

2)    Kurdistan Physicists' Syndicate since 2011.