Academic Profile

Sanaria Fawzi Jarjes

سناریا فوزی جرجیس

Assistant professor
Erbil Technical Health and Medical College
Department of Medical Laboratory
[email protected]
General Specialization
Vet. Medicine & Surgery
Specific Specialization
Erbil- Kirkuk Road, Kurdistan Region- Iraq


Assistant professor Sanaria Fawzi Jarjes

§  More than (31) years teaching experience in higher education.

§  She graduated from the College of Vet. Medicine at Baghdad University in June 1992, granted B.Sc. degree in Vet. Medicine & Surgery with rank (5) out of (290).

§  She granted a Master degree in Microbiology in November 1997 from Baghdad University/ College of Veterinary Medicine, Iraq.

§  Since qualifying as Assistant lecturer, then Lecturer in 1997 and 2000 respectively, she was taught microbiology (bacteriology & mycoplasmology) and associated laboratories, at postgraduate and undergraduate levels. In addition, she also published several researches.

§  In July 2005 she was promoted to Assistant Professor in Microbiology, teaching and supervising the Postgraduate students at the Zoonosis Diseases Unit and the Microbiology Department at Veterinary Medicine College.

§  From 2007 to Feb.2017, she worked as Assistant Professor of Microbiology in the department of Radiology at the Medical technical institute /Erbil.

§  Currently, she is working in the department of Medical Laboratory Technology (MLT), as well as serving as the director of the scientific affairs department at Erbil Technical Heath and Medical College under Erbil Polytechnic University.

§  In general, she is interested in clinical microbiology particularly bacteriology.