Academic Profile

Rebeen Abdulkhaliq Abdullah

ڕێبین عبدالخالق عبدالله

Assistant Lecturer
Koya Technical Institute
Department of Tourism Foundations Administration
[email protected]
General Specialization
Specific Specialization
Sustainable Development for Eco-Tourism
Sarbagh Qu, Koya City Iraq,Erbil,Koya


Rebeen Abdulkhaliq Abdullah

DB: 28-1-1986 / Married

Bachelor degree in Geography from Koya University.2009, MSc Global Environmental Chabge at University of Leicester.2014. PHD in Sustainable Development for Eco-Tourism at Koya University 2023. Lecturer at Tourism foundation administration Dep / Koya Technical Institute / Erbil Polytechnic University.

Graduated from preparatory school in 2004-2005. In 2005-2006, I started university study at Koya University at geography department, and then I graduated at 2008-2009. I employed at Koya Technical Institute at Sep2, 2010 as assistant observer at Tourism Foundation Department. I awarded a scholarship by the KRG called (HCDP) in 2012.