Academic Profile

Nazar Muhammed Samen

نزار محمد سمین

Assistant Lecturer
Khabat Technical Institute
Department of Plant Protection
[email protected]
General Specialization
Specific Specialization
Ecology Sciences
[email protected]


Teacher's academic profile:

 Bachelor Biology Certificate of Education College of Diyala University -2006

Master of Science Faculty of Science, Environment Agency - Department of Plant Sciences –Kharkiv National Pedagogical University - Ukraine

1. lecturer at the college of Arts - University of Sulaymani - Iraq -2009

2. Teacher teaching at the college of Agriculture - Salahaddin University-Erbil -2010

3. Assistant Teacher at the Technical Institute – Arbil Polytechnic-and  head of Medicinal Plants production      Departments 


 University -2013

Scientific Activities:

1-Training: Computers – Internet – Online Course Development-IELTS-Photoshop

2. workshops: (a) the protection of the trees have an impact on the environment

  (b) A healthy environment (c) The role of the individual in the environment protection and human environment (d) Research Excellence(e)Writer and  Publishing High Profile Researches


 (f ) Health and Safety( g ) FIRST AID