Academic Profile

Nawzad Majeed Hamawandy

نوزاد مجيد حسن

Assistant Lecturer
Erbil Technical Management College
Department of Accounting
[email protected]
General Specialization
Accounting and Finance
Specific Specialization


Ø  Nawzad Majeed Hamawandy was born in Erbil, Iraq in 1977. He earned his received a PhD in Accounting and Finance at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) in 2023, an Master degree in Accounting and Finance at Cyprus International University (CIU) in 2016. He also holding his BA degree in ccounting and fainance from Erbil Polytechnic University in 2011.

Ø  Nawzad is an Assistant Lecturer with twelve years of experience working in private and public sector. He specializes in accounting and Finance also he has good knowledge in the academic field and researches. He published many papers in international journals scopus and impact Factor and attended many conferences and training courses. He first researcher at the level of Erbil Technical University in terms of research and citations in the social sciences.

Ø  Nawzad is an economic, financial and accounting analyst on a many local and satellite television channel.