Academic Profile

Azhin Saber Ali

ازين صابر علي

Assistant Lecturer
Shaqlawa Technical College
Department of Medical Laboratory
[email protected]
General Specialization
Specific Specialization


I am an assistant Lecturer at Shaqlawa Technical Institute, Erbil Polytechnic University since 2017. I have taught modules like: Lab. Instruments and Lab. Techniques, at the same time, I taught practical Histopathology at Erbil Technical Health College, for about two years for both morning and evening study.

I did my Bachelor in Biology, at the College of science, University of Salahaddin, in 2011. Moreover I have Master's Degree in Histology at Salahaddin University. 

 I was assistant biology for about three years of these modules: Bacteriology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology and General Biology, at Biology department, College of Science, Salahaddin University. 

Before my master study, I left my job at Salahaddin University and starting at Erbil Polytechnic University.

I have done my PhD viva recently.